We welcome women of all treble voice types, ages, and backgrounds to join us in bringing the joy and healing power of music to members of our community.

Link to recent Twin Cities Live Segment ft. LeagueAires

Rehearsal Schedule: ​Approx. 16 Mondays 9:30-noon Sept through Jan​

Performance Schedule: ​Approx. 16 Mondays at 10:30 AM AND / OR 1:30 PM Jan​ to early May​

​Up to 4 rehearsal absences AND 4 performance absences are permitted each season

$75 Annual Dues are collected to offset operational expenses. Scholarships available.

​Candidates interested in auditioning or applying for a stipend choreographer position should e-mail tambor.walter@macphail.org to schedule an audition. 

Your audition will consist of three parts: Voice Check, Movement Check, and Culture Commitment Q & A

​1) Voice Check​ 

The Music Director works with each candidate to assess her range, tone quality, breath control, posture, and general understanding of vocal technique.​ 

  • Sing a series of vocal exercises.
  • Sing a musical line while a harmony line is played/sung.
  • Follow a line of music from our upcoming season. (The ability to read music is​ valued, but not required)
  • Sing a familiar song of your choice.
  • Share past musical experiences in a choral, instrumental, or theatrical context.

​2) Movement Check​ ​

  • Demonstrate stepping up 8-18″ onto a riser.
  • Move rhythmically to selected music.
  • Demonstrate the ability to repeat a simple movement combination.
  • Demonstrate the ability to sing and move naturally at the same time.

​3) Mission and Culture​ 

The Chair will share about the LeagueAires’ history, mission, and membership requirements, and the candidate will have an opportunity to ask questions about what to expect.